Love from the babes.

"If there is anyone questioning whether or not this webinar is for them, then I would confirm that it is exactly where you are supposed to be. It is meant for people who are unsure, but are sure about starting life for THEMSELVES."


"So many seemingly complex aspects of the mind are simplified so beautifully by Maria. Progress is inevitable with Maria's knowledge and advice on how you can finally step into your power and get what you want out of life."


In the webinar, I’ll go into detail on:

  • Putting old, tired narratives that are no longer serving you to REST
  • Creating energizing and sustainable ways to smash the f*ck outta your goals
  • Getting off that emotional rollercoaster you’re constantly riding
  • Dismissing that voice in your head telling you that you can’t
  • The science behind your magic-making mind

Webinar Outline

  Belief-Busting Babe Webinar
Available in days
days after you enroll

This course is jam-packed with golden nuggets that you can come back to again and again as you work on creating those next-level habits for yourself. Once you pay, you have access to it forever.

I’ll also provide a workbook so that you’ve got all the tools necessary to start taking massive, intuitive action.

Purchase Belief-Busting Babe